Chapter 5: Sex for Sale

“Sex work is arguably a success story of Egypt’s infitah [open door economic policy], a triumph of private enterprise offering an array of services to suit all tastes and budgets – albeit with a heavy human price…. ‘The whole country is in prostitution,’ laughed Jihane, a chubby, bubbly woman in her midtwenties. She should know; Jihane sells sex.”

“Sex for Sale” looks at the booming business of sex work in Egypt and its neighbours. This chapter examines the history of prostitution in the region, probes the reality of today’s legal and illegal sex work, and considers what can be done to improve the lives of men and women in business.

Sex trafficking (n8)

Legal sex work in the Arab region (n23)


  • Rates among sex workers (n30)
  • Condom use and risk behavior (n31)