Risky practices and HIV

Biological-behavioral surveillance surveys, which probe the risk behaviors and HIV vulnerability of men who have sex with men (MSM), have been conducted in a number of countries in the Arab region. Such facts and figures are only a snapshot from the lives of MSM, hardly the big picture which is needed and which is only now starting to coming into focus through greater research. In the meantime, here’s a partial view:


HIV Testing /
Risk profile
Egypt 791 men in 3 cities 25 / 6

2-4% say they inject drugs

32-92% (depending on location) had commercial sex in past 6 months

22-51% used a condom during commercial sex in past 6 months

HIV/AIDS Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Survey, 2010
Jordan 468 men from 4 cities 32 / 0.1

52% know that condoms can protect against HIV

36% consistently use condoms with commercial sex partners

UNGASS Country Report, Jordan, 2012
Lebanon 101 men in Beirut 22 / 3.7

96% know that condoms can protect against HIV

70% always use condoms with commercial partners

67% considered themselves at risk of HIV

“HIV/AIDS among female sex workers, drug users and men who have sex with men in Lebanon”. An in-depth look at these issues, through detailed interviews with 31 MSM, is available at “A Qualitative Exploration of Sexual Risk and HIV Testing Behaviours”.
Morocco 669 in 2 cities 31 / 5.1

50% say they used a condom at last same-sex intercourseMore than

60% exchanged sex for money with multiple partners

UNGASS Country Report Morocco, 2012
Sudan 16 / 3.6 At most, 25% say they used a condom at last same-sex intercourse UNGASS Country Report Sudan, 2012
Tunisia 1001 men in 6 cities 15 / 13

29% report condom use at last same-sex intercourse

40% report unsafe sex with men and women

UNGASS Country Report, Tunisia, 2012
Yemen 261 men from 2 cities 28 / 6

24% used a condom at last same-sex intercourse

1% report injecting drugs

UNGASS Country Report, Yemen, 2012